eDOC-It Tab

The eDOC-It tab is used to install the eDOC-It Virtual Printer on your computer. The eDOC-It virtual printer allows you to transfer any document or image that can be printed directly into the eDOCSignature system.


The eDOC-It tab contains a link to download the eDOC-It Virtual Printer installer and a unique activation key which is entered upon first use of the printer. 


This topic contains instructions on how to install the eDOC-It Virtual Printer. For more information on using the eDOC-It Virtual Printer, click here


Install and Activate the eDOC-It PrinterInstall and Activate the eDOC-It Printer


Note: The installation process can take several minutes to complete.

  1. Upon first using the printer, you will be prompted to enter the activation key: 

    In the Key field, enter the activation key found on the eDOC-It tab in eDOCSignature. Click Activate. The document is sent to eDOCSignature and appears in your browser window.

    Installation and activation of the eDOC-It Virtual Printer is now complete.